Chapel Garden Committee

St. David’s Chapel Garden is sacred space directly behind the church set aside for worship, meditation, reflection, and for the scattering and interment of cremains. The garden is a decades-long dream that grew into reality with its dedication on All Saints’ Day 2016.

The Chapel Garden Committee oversees the care and use of the garden and recommends policy to the Vestry.  It is responsible for the Commonbarium feature and the garden landscaping suitable for receiving cremains.  It provides for recognition necessary to honor the life and memories for those interred and supports and encourages the Church’s role in guiding end-of-life discussions and planning.  Follow the link above to learn more about the Chapel Garden ministry.

Finance Committee

Nothing happens at St. David’s without using resources. Those resources always require people’s time and knowledge but money is frequently required. Providing that money is the focus of the Finance Committee.

It starts with developing a dream budget for the next year, organizing a pledge drive to raise the necessary funds, and then the difficult task of reconciling the dreams of the budget with the realities of the pledges. That practical, reconciled, budget is then presented to the Vestry for their discussion and approval. This budget should reflect the church’s priorities, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  (Matthew 6:21)

During the year the Finance Committee tracks spending versus the budget, monitors the assets, and advises the Treasurer, and keeps the importance of stewardship in front of the congregation.

Building & Grounds Committee

Buildings and Grounds Committee oversees its property and maintains and monitors the upkeep of the church buildings.Repairing and improving are an ongoing process.

Evangelism Committee

St. David’s Evangelism Committee spreads the Good News with events and activities that engage and meet the needs of our community. We host events such as a Biker’s Breakfast and Blessing of the Bikes, Blessing of the Animals, and we collaborate with our vibrant outreach committee to share Christ’s love through servant leadership.

Outreach Committee

Reaching out to the community and the world is a mission priority of St. David’s and at the heart of our understanding of the Gospel. To further our ministry, the Outreach Committee this past year has sponsored a Strawberry Festival, Rummage Sale, and the Outreach Booth at the Farmers Market.

The Outreach Committee has established ministry focus areas for grants which include children/education, food insecurity/hunger, domestic violence/social justice and emerging current needs. The committee meets monthly to review grant requests and prayerfully discern our response.

Outreach also keeps parishioners abreast of ministry opportunities and programs, scheduling volunteers and gatherings of food and goods. The Outreach Committee encourages and recognizes members giving of time, talent and treasure to St. David’s and to organizations outside of St. David’s and the Episcopal Church.

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee, appointed by the Vestry, consults with and advises the Priest and/or Senior Warden regarding all matters pertaining to paid positions and staff of the Church.

These responsibilities include:

  • Developing an overall staffing plan for the church;
  • Developing position and persons descriptions for positions approved by the Vestry;
  • Recommending terms of employment, including compensation, for each approved position;
  • Advertising vacant positions and seeking qualified candidates;
  • Reviewing applications from interested candidates;
  • Interviewing potential candidates;
  • Recommending candidates to be hired;
  • Conducting performance reviews at least annually;
  • Recommending changes to position descriptions and terms of employment;
  • Seeking to resolve conflicts between staff persons or between a staff person and the congregation;
  • Serving as the final arbiter when such conflict resolution has failed.

Parish Life

The St. David’s Episcopal Church Parish Life Committee embodies the true meaning of “Hoosier Hospitality”. As a matter of fact, the Committee takes it a step (or two) further by exhibiting “Southern Hoosier Hospitality” which includes respecting all and including all.

Even though there is a schedule of tasks for which members volunteer, each and every member is “at-the-ready” when called upon to help with coffee hour or any other function at which they find themselves short-handed.

This committee doesn’t just do their own thing, they are an extension of each and every ministry at St. David’s. This committee is of the mindset that “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”.